At the start of spring, I always take inventory of my closet and rotate my wardrobe from winter to spring/summer. It takes time and patience, but there's nothing like opening your closet door to an organized space with your favorite pieces on display and nothing getting in the way of what you want to grab.

The key to obtaining the closet of your dreams starts with coming to terms with what you already own - making necessary edits and organizing the remaining items by how often you wear them.

A few quick clothing shifts have helped me prioritize things I frequently wear vs. more of my occasional stuff. When my go-tos are front and center in my closet, I get dressed more quickly and confidently.

You may want to consider reworking things a bit. It could be a wardrobe game-changer. Here's what I did.



Eye level and easily accessible storage is the name of the game for the items I wear most. Here’s what moved to the forefront.


Let me start by saying that denim always gets pole position in my closet area. However, my jeans tend to relocate depending on the time of year. As we move into spring, lighter, whiter denim replaces darker, heavier options. Whites are stacked, while blue denim goes on S-hooks. Hanging or folded, these babies are always where I can quickly grab them.


A crossbody bag and a good sun hat are part of my everyday uniform, so they're prominently placed on hooks, shelves, and, occasionally, my mirror.

**Hear me out for those of you who are gasping at the fact that I'm suggesting a Chanel bag is practical. I encourage anyone lucky enough to own a bag like this to use it more than a handful of times. Most designer bags are way underused and should be worn and loved regularly alongside the other wardrobe workhorses in your closet.


I finally separated my lounge clothes from my workout wear, usually squished into the same large storage bin. I wear them so much that they deserve a more accessible space, so now they both get more room in a big drawer.

And chunky wool sweaters have been switched out for lighter-weight cotton knits, which I endlessly layer in the spring. These are now on an easy-to-reach shelf.



My closet is not that big, so I've used the vertical space and harder-to-reach areas to store most of my lesser-worn pieces.


I like to think I get dressed up more than I actually do. But as much as I like to overdress, I still don't get a ton of wear from my fancier tops, so these pieces have shifted to the back rack of my closet, while nicer heels have been moved to the highest shelf to make room for more sneakers.


Formal workwear for industry events and the occasional client dinners have been repositioned to a slightly out-of-reach top rod.


Because the weather can never seem to make up its mind, I usually leave a few transitional winter-to-spring items in my closet. I always create a little room off to the side for a puffer vest and heavier flat boots until spring is in full gear.


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