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What You Need To Know

The one question that comes up over and over again is should I fold or hang my sweaters? The answer is, it depends on how much space you have in your closet and dresser, what your personal habits are and what type of fabric your sweaters are made of.

To preserve structural integrity, I typically suggest folding sweaters in small stacks. This is truly the way to go, but the reality is that most of us don’t have enough space to do this. Hanging space is often more plentiful than open shelving or empty drawers, so sweater storage becomes a hybrid approach - fold as many as possible, hang the rest.


If you can fold, do so. Prioritize heavier and more delicate knits as these are the most vulnerable and can easily get stretched out if they are hung.

Be aware that stacks of sweaters can get messy real quick, so upkeep is important. There is always that one sweater that slips off the back of the pile, never to be seen again. When folding, keep those piles low, 3-4 sweaters max. This doesn’t guarantee that each stack will always stay neat, but it is much easier to maintain.


Hanging your precious knits is a slippery slope, but has its advantages. Sweaters are more accessible when you hang them, plus you can SEE each one more easily, which means you’re more likely to wear them.

If you change out your closet seasonally (storing winter sweaters in the summer), you’ll be reducing the time that your sweaters will be hanging (usually six months vs. all year round). This will help sweaters keep their shape longer.

If you need to hang your sweaters, having the appropriate hanger is key to avoiding permanent shoulder dents. With most sweaters a suit jacket hanger will do the trick. Basic wooden or flocked slimline hangers can also work depending on the blend of fabric. If you’re not sure which hanger to use, try each type to see how your knits hold up.

How you choose to hang your sweaters is also important. More delicate knits like cashmere will most likely stretch out even on the best of hangers. You can wrap them gently around the top of a hanger (left image) or place them over the hanger bar (right image) to avoid stretching.

Sometimes hanging is just not meant to be, especially when you are dealing with heavier sweaters. Gravity will do its worst, stretching out the shoulders (as so) and potentially dropping them to the floor when you’re not looking. In these instances, folding is the answer.

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